Xara Website Demonstrations

How we use Xara

Xara Designer Pro is one of the tools we use to create content for OmniDisplay. We use Xara to create graphics that are incorporated into real-time OmniDisplay and OmniTicker digital displays. Our clients use this embedded content with our software to display their own digital content and information on their own displays. We create also OmniDisplay style and content demonstrations using Xara to support our marketing initiatives. Frequently, these have a wider applicability for website design. While this is not our main business, occasionally, through Xara’s Talk Graphics forum, we answer questions where our experiences may help someone else. Our answers may include a temporary demonstration and design file. Temporary user-specific demonstrations, when present, are uploaded to our servers in a demo folder. Where specific to a third party, these demonstrations are deleted once they have served to answer the question. Accessing the URL thereafter will receive a page not available message. Where an online demonstration is of a general functional interest, we may at our discretion continue to make it available through our demonstration folder.