This is a demonstration using a photo as a link to start an audio track that also shows information about that audio track. The information panel is given a class name, rather than using a popup. This is because, when using audio tag in a Xara popup, closing the popup does not pause (stop) the audio track. In this example ‘controls’ has been omitted to hide the audio tag replaced with ‘In-Play’ buttons on the information panel to pause, continue and stop the audio track. The approach here uses Xara standard layers with a unique class name “Soundn” given to all elements on each layer; the outcome is the same as using popups but provides the designer with greater freedom to manage the audio. The alternative would be to use a layer’s internal reference, but this can change when layers are deleted or added. The Audio tag is given an id of ‘audiplay’: <audio id="audiplay" src="" controls controlsList="nodownload" style="width: 300px;"></audio> In this example the audio tracks are prevented from being downloaded. The photo is given a link: javascript: loadAudio();playAudio();showSounds('Sound1'); Other photo links would have the link as “Soundn” where each class name is “Sound2”, “Sound3” and so on. This code is added to the Website HTML (body) - these are the custom design audio controls <script> var x = document.getElementById("audiplay"); function playAudio() {; } function pauseAudio() { x.pause();} function loadAudio() { x.load();} // this script controls the visibility of the ‘Class’ layers function hideSounds(speed) {$('[class*="Sound"]').hide(speed);} function showSounds(ref) {$('.' + ref).slideDown('slow');} hideSounds(); </script>
Add a Name Uses JQuery to any object

Photo with Audio Track using Class Info Panels (not popups)

The Audio Track information panel has a class name “Sound1”. Where there are multiple photo links to audio tracks, the information panels are given class names of “Sound2”, “Sound3”, etc. The close panel symbol stops the audio through the function loadAudio() and the function hideSounds() closes the information panel.