Tues 27th May 10.00am - 6.00pm

New Event

Create calendar templates
This is a simple template that combines a photograph and a text area. The text area uses text styles for date, title and headline, all of which are user changeable. The background colour is named and can be changed. The background in the template is set to stretch vertically to accommodate any increase the height of the text box (this requires Names in Pro or Pro+) and uses the Stretches feature. The template is also set to ‘push’ so as text increases it pushes other templates further down the page. All photos/ images can be replaced. Cloning a template auto-creates a copy immediately below the one being cloned; this is because it is set to Push. The template is soft grouped; a designer can copy and paste as required, align with distribute centres vertically or horizontally. A mobile format would transition to (say) two columns of templates. Any template could have a link as required for more information. One could create a separate calendar plug-in that is published to the same directory as the main website, and embedded in the main website through a standard iframe. That way when one changes the calendar is auto-updates the main website. Photos could have zoom effects and links as required and templates could be structured as categories (page-by-page).
Fri 19th May 10.00am - 6.00pm

New Event

Create calendar templates Here the text extends the background, extends the bounding background and pushes everything downwards
Sat 20th May 10.00am - 6.00pm

New Event

Create calendar templates
Sun 21st May 11.00am - 12.00pm

New Event

Create calendar templates
Sat 27th May 10.00am - 6.00pm

New Event

Create calendar templates
Tues 27th May 10.00am - 6.00pm

New Event

Create calendar templates. Enim dolor elit, duis ut ullamco in dolore adipisicing exercitation occaecat commodo anim proident. Minim ut non aliqua lorem. Qui ipsum sint pariatur ex quis consequat nostrud nisi consequat magna excepteur cillum tempor ut in in aliquip in. In excepteur dolore. Commodo esse, in pariatur consequat ut, dolor cillum exercitation ut fugiat qui elit ut adipisicing, ipsum ea esse?
Sat 27th May 10.00am - 6.00pm

New Event

Create calendar templatesEx proident officia ut elit amet ex ut aute fugiat sunt sint est do, dolor culpa elit. Minim non eu ad, adipisicing do aliquip sed in nisi non et magna nostrud consectetur adipisicing eiusmod quis? Eiusmod est officia, adipisicing ea eiusmod proident.

Calendar Template - using the Stretches option in Names

Sat 27th May 10.00am - 6.00pm

New Event

Create calendar templates