Section 1

Section 5

Section 4

Section 3

Section 2


Website Name
This is a simple example for a mobile menu. The menu is placed at the top of the page (in this case a single page), is non-sticky and therefore moves out-of-sight as the visitor scrolls down the page. At the very top of there is a slim sticky rectangle and a sticky icon of choice. The icon has a standard link ‘Top-of- Page’. The effect, when pressed is to return is the page scrolled back its top and in doing so, brings the menu back into view - nothing more to it than that! The two menu blocks butt together and where the rectangles are the same colour, it creates the impression they are one. Any top bar objects are set to be ‘sticky’ and placed at the top-of-page. The second block of links can be either headings or anchors as in this example, but could be equally links to pages or anything of the designer’s choosing. This bar and group of objects are set to be non-sticky and as the visitor scrolls down the page they scroll upwards and out-of-sight.
Home Section 5 Section 4 Section 3 Section 2 Section 1
This setup could used for a single page with headings and anchors, or as a standard page- menu across multiple pages. It can be used too in conjunction with a standard mobile popup menu to provide on-page navigation between sections.
Magna id esse exercitation ex occaecat sint anim quis adipisicing in aliquip est in pariatur id. Culpa, irure amet est nisi minim aute non deserunt ad nostrud est in dolore proident tempor magna: Nulla excepteur reprehenderit proident reprehenderit non ex cupidatat id non sit aliquip minim incididunt cupidatat. Ut esse et excepteur voluptate amet culpa. Anim duis velit fugiat consequat culpa, ea adipisicing ut culpa tempor dolore sint ut amet exercitation dolore.
Consequat ea enim cillum tempor adipisicing elit dolore irure ipsum deserunt exercitation. Minim anim ullamco eu dolor amet exercitation pariatur culpa irure id do fugiat mollit in ut lorem dolor nulla. Esse consectetur culpa aute, do irure ullamco voluptate. Adipisicing dolor, commodo reprehenderit consequat velit esse veniam ipsum mollit.
Consequat ea enim cillum tempor adipisicing elit dolore irure ipsum deserunt exercitation. Minim anim ullamco eu dolor amet exercitation pariatur culpa irure id do fugiat mollit in ut lorem dolor nulla. Esse consectetur culpa aute, do irure ullamco voluptate. Adipisicing dolor, commodo reprehenderit consequat velit esse veniam ipsum mollit.
Consequat ea enim cillum tempor adipisicing elit dolore irure ipsum deserunt exercitation. Minim anim ullamco eu dolor amet exercitation pariatur culpa irure id do fugiat mollit in ut lorem dolor nulla. Esse consectetur culpa aute, do irure ullamco voluptate. Adipisicing dolor, commodo reprehenderit consequat velit esse veniam ipsum mollit.

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