This is Xara generated multi-page website with Export set to ‘Scroll’. With this setup you cannot have sticky objects with links in the same place even on different pages; this is because the sticky objects are deemed to overlap one another, even though they are on different pages; only the last the one will fire and take a visitor to its target. The alternatives include: 1. Avoid multiple scrolling pages; that is use a single page website with a sticky (or non- sticky menu) if required, and use anchors to take the visitor to different vertical positions on the page. 2. Use a standard website and not a ‘scroll’ transition. 3. Use a work-around that ensures no two sticky objects with links are in the same position on any of the pages. The example here uses the third approach where the position of the hamburger icon moves down each page, thus avoiding any overlap. The same approach applying to any sticky popups and their links. A corollary to the sticky object bug is that a popup menu will not close properly without forcing it to do so though javascript. In practice, this has its own pitfalls and requires a designer to keep tabs on the internal reference ids for each popup, and to change the popup links in the javascript close code as the internal ids change. This is a bug in v19.0 of Xara Pro (and Web Designer Premium), maybe elsewhere too.

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