Create rectangle proportionally (h & w) the same as the source video. 1920px by 1080px becomes (say) 960px by 540px. This becomes a placeholder into which the following code can be inserted. “autoplay muted playsinline loop are optional attributes (explained below). <video id="myvideo"width="100%" height="100%" controls autoplay muted playsinline loop> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> </video> id is optional, but becomes a requirement for some of the other video examples such as the Video Library below. Source can be a local folder that is exported with the design, or as in the example here, another published folder. Most browsers will not initially autoplay with audio. To auto-start the video requires “muted” in the video tag, and in the case of iOS mobile, it further requires “playsinline”. “loop” is optional and does as it suggests. You can add other attributes such as disabling picture-in-picture (a design choice) or “nodownload” where there is a commercial value to the audio, or it is subject to copyright. <video id="myvideo"width="100%" height="100%" controls autoplay muted playsinline loop disablepictureinpicture controlsList="nodownload" > <source src="" type="video/mp4"> </video> There are some further examples of using video here: Video Library & Browser Videos