OmniTicker delivers the classic scrolling information display that originated in the financial trading rooms of old. Much more versatile and more widely used today, these information displays are software-driven and designed to work with any video device. OmniTicker allows one to aggregate, compose and sort data from multiple internal and external resources, in any number of different languages and formats, bidirectionally, horizontally and vertically. Tickers can scroll left-to-right, right-to-left, top-to-bottom and bottom-to-top in every Microsoft language.
OmniTicker for Business
Traditionally used to display Reuters and Bloomberg financial data, OmniTicker has evolved and developed into a powerful, autonomous and hardware agnostic application. Incorporating data from multiple sources, including Excel and Google together with standard RSS news feeds, the software capabilities are without limit.
Probably the Best Ticker Software
The OmniTicker Layout Editor is naturally intuitive and supports the creation of multiple tickers. Each ticker is defined by its height and width in pixels and scroll direction, left, right, horizontal and vertical. Content is structured in a list format; each content line is entirely independent of the other, data source and format. OmniTicker is distinguished by its capability to provide real-time conditional formatting based on the values extracted and presented to it at the time the data is received. The classic example being as a numeric value changes positively or negatively, its presentation on the ticker changes too. The sequence of items to be displayed can be sorted or rearranged in a sequence to match a user’s choice.
OmniRSS - Real-time RSS data feeds
OmniRSS is our proprietary RSS & Twitter feeds manager. Publicly available RSS feeds can accessed via OmniRSS where the data is collated in real-time and passed to OmniDisplay and OmniTicker as a data item. For OmniTicker, this means you can create a ticker from multiple data sources and have that data appear in any sequence of your choice. For OmniDisplay, the data sources can again be sequenced to appear as headlines and news bars. OmniRSS is provided FREE with both OmniTicker and OmniDisplay.
OmniTicker works exactly the same way as OmniDisplay in terms of how one connects with video devices. As with OmniDisplay, you can set the position ( through X & Y coordinates ) to position where you want the Ticker to appear on the target display device. In most cases you would position the ticker at the top or bottom of the display.
OmniTicker is a natural fit for University Business Schools, providing the iconic trading ticker to support their Bloomberg or Reuters Trading Room environments. Often delivered with a traditional LED ticker, OmniTicker creates the opportunity to replicate what can be seen on many trading room floors. For Education, this is the opportunity to mirror a trading room environment using Google Finance, Bloomberg or Reuters data feeds.
Anywhere, Any Format, Real-time Information
The capability to aggregate information from multiple sources and present it in a user’s preferred sequence is the reason OmniTicker is effective. It can be sited at the bottom or top of a standard video monitor or video wall. Users can add their own information streams, structured messages, data and other information, in any sequence.
On this device, the User Guide is best viewed at full screen or via a PDF.
OmniRSS User Guide
On this device, the User Guide is best viewed at full screen or via a PDF.
Probably the Best Ticker Software
Iconic Scrolling Tickers
OmniTicker delivers the classic scrolling information display that originated in the financial trading rooms of old. Much more versatile and more widely used today, these information displays are software-driven and designed to work with any video device. OmniTicker allows one to aggregate, compose and sort data from multiple internal and external resources, in any number of different languages and formats, bidirectionally, horizontally and vertically. Tickers can scroll left-to-right, right-to-left, top-to-bottom and bottom-to-top in every Microsoft language.
OmniTicker for Business
Traditionally used to display Reuters and Bloomberg financial data, OmniTicker has evolved and developed into a powerful, autonomous and hardware agnostic application. Incorporating data from multiple sources, including Excel and Google together with standard RSS news feeds, the software capabilities are without limit.
OmniTicker for Education
OmniTicker is a natural fit for University Business Schools, providing the iconic trading ticker to support their Bloomberg or Reuters Trading Room environments. Often delivered with a traditional LED ticker, OmniTicker creates the opportunity to replicate what can be seen on many trading room floors. For Education, this is the opportunity to mirror a trading room environment using Google Finance, Bloomberg or Reuters data feeds.
Anywhere, Any Format, Real-time
The capability to aggregate information from multiple sources and present it in a user’s preferred sequence is the reason OmniTicker is effective. It can be sited at the bottom or top of a standard video monitor or video wall. Users can add their own information streams, structured messages, data and other information, in any sequence.
OmniTicker with Reuters data and RSS news feeds
How OmniTicker Works
The OmniTicker Layout Editor is naturally intuitive and supports the creation of multiple tickers. Each ticker is defined by its height and width in pixels and scroll direction, left, right, horizontal and vertical. Content is structured in a list format; each content line is entirely independent of the other, data source and format. OmniTicker is distinguished by its capability to provide real-time conditional formatting based on the values extracted and presented to it at the time the data is received. The classic example being as a numeric value changes positively or negatively, its presentation on the ticker changes too. The sequence of items to be displayed can be sorted or rearranged in a sequence to match a user’s choice.
OmniRSS - Real-time RSS data feeds
OmniRSS is our proprietary RSS & Twitter feeds manager. Publicly available RSS feeds can accessed via OmniRSS where the data is collated in real-time and passed to OmniDisplay and OmniTicker as a data item. For OmniTicker, this means you can create a ticker from multiple data sources and have that data appear in any sequence of your choice. For OmniDisplay, the data sources can again be sequenced to appear as headlines and news bars. OmniRSS is provided FREE with both OmniTicker and OmniDisplay.
OmniTicker Layout Editor and Media
OmniTicker Layout Editor
OmniTicker works exactly the same way as OmniDisplay in terms of how one connects with video devices. As with OmniDisplay, you can set the position ( through X & Y coordinates ) to position where you want the Ticker to appear on the target display device. In most cases you would position the ticker at the top or bottom of the display.